
Frequently Asked Questions

WHere can I learn about Community of Christ history?

Community of Christ (formerly the RLDS Church) shares 14 years of history with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from 1830 to 1844. You can read a brief overview of Community of Christ’s history here. If you are a Mormon/LDS person, you might be interested in our Latter-day Seekers website, which explains some of the differences between the two churches.

What am I required to believe?

Members of Community of Christ hold many different beliefs about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and scripture. You are not required to believe in something specific before you can belong in our community. There are no belief tests. We focus instead on our shared values, which we call the Enduring Principles.


Our meetings are informal and we do not expect people to dress up. Jeans are just fine.

How is Community of Christ organized? Where can I learn more about Priesthood?

Community of Christ has a first presidency and a council of twelve apostles. You can learn more about priesthood in Community of Christ here.

What sacraments or ordinances take place in Community of Christ?

Community of Christ practices baptism, confirmation, communion, ordination, blessing of children, laying on of hands for the sick, marriage, and evangelist blessing. You can learn more about these sacraments in Community of Christ here.